Protecting Our Patient's Health And Safety Is Our Top Priority.
We know you are concerned about the spread of COVID-19 (the new coronavirus) and how it may impact our communities. Ensuring our patients and staff have a safe and healthy environment is our first priority. OSBI, per guidance from federal and state government, is implementing measures including:
1. Restricting all visitors, family and guests from visiting our office, except for one necessary caregiver.
2. Actively screening all patients when confirming appointments and at check in. Anyone exhibiting any of these symptoms will be rescheduled to a later date and will not be permitted to remain in the facility at any time.
We need your help:
3. Call ahead before presenting in person to any clinic location, (918-749-0762).
4. Symptoms – If you have any symptoms, cough, fever, shortness of breath, please stay home. Contact your primary care provider, a county health department or online telemedicine provider to be advised as to what to do next.
5. Practice proper hand hygiene. Everyone should wash their hands for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60-95% alcohol upon entering the building and before and after any interaction with people.
Oklahoma Spine and Brain Institute will stay up to date with the federal government’s recommendations as they may continue to change. In addition to, the local and state health department and following their guidance.